Weather in Gatlinburg Tennessee

After browsing the internet for the local weather in Gatlinburg Tennessee, I felt inclined to make a few suggestions regarding winter weather in Gatlinburg TN. According to, there is a chance of snow on two of the next eight days and the temperature will drop below 30 degrees Fahrenheit six of the next nine days. In some place more than others, Gatlinburg Tennessee has the possibility to see snow during the next few days and technically for the next few months. Chances of snow will drop heavily after the first week in March.

I know we all love the possibility of picturesque snow caped mountains that make perfect post cards, but those picturesque moments can turn disastrous if it snows at the wrong time or we cannot reach our destination. Even with little accumulation, the south (including Gatlinburg TN) struggles with clearing the road. And it is almost impossible to clean all the mountain roads that receive little sun light or that have high elevations.

The last thing we want to happen is for someone to miss a vacation because of winter weather. Yes, I understand that we might have a blizzard like we did in 1993 where it snowed six inches even in southern parts of Georgia, but typically, it’s just not that bad. There are a few things you can do to prepare for these weather hazards. These two suggestions will greatly reduce the stress and allow you to really enjoy the snow capped mountains.

We highly recommend trip insurance during the winter months. It is not very expensive and can eliminate you carry most of the risk of winter weather. We do not give refunds at Cabins For You because of weather condition. We do not have control of the weather and we cannot guarantee that it will rain, ice or snow at the perfect times. To help compensate for these problems we sell trip insurance. Your trip can be totally covered if you are not able to reach your cabin because of weather issues. Plus, trip insurance covers a few more instances that might arise during your Gatlinburg vacation.

Secondly, we hope every traveler coming into Gatlinburg during the winter months will bring chains or have a vehicle that has 4-wheel drive. In all honesty, both is preferable. Most snow storms in Gatlinburg consist of a few inches snow and maybe some ice. Most of the instances are easily handled by a vehicle that has 4-wheel drive with chains. This one helpful idea should fix many problems. If you do not have a vehicle with 4-wheel drive…you could always rent one. Please use good judgment whenever you drive in winter weather. There are some roads and some storms where it is impossible to drive regardless of the vehicle.

We highly recommend trip insurance because of some of the mountain roads. Also, please understand that you are driving at your own risk. If you are ever in doubt, please call the police to help assist you.